Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Rant...

I have had this blog up and running for approximately 7 hours and, I am already in need of a rant, the first of many I am sure. The reasoning behind this particular rant is some guys can not grasp the concept of "just friends". When I say some I am referring to oh about, 5 or so guys in my life who are about incapable of taking a hint. Most of which I can deal with by the ever so polite, ignoring, one wording and, in extreme cases actually saying "back the fuck off" thanks. I am not talking about guys I have as friends such as, the people I actually know but, the random dude on social networking sites, yeah, those. Not all are bad, some are innocent, most are creepy and need to get a life. The actual cause of this rant was brought on by a guy I do somewhat know, to an extent. I get a lot of criticism for not dating anything that walks my way, my bad, not sorry for that one either. See I don't think of myself as any better then anyone else, I give chances, I get to know people but, I will not waste my time on someone if I know it is just not gonna happen. I don't have a "type" I just know what I like and, what I don't like. I will be friends with most anyone, clingy ass guys who creep me out, probably not gonna make that list, sorry. This blog is pretty much about just one guy who needs a wake up call to reality. Whatever made him think "oh I should probably text her over and over again, even though she just told me to stop texting her" is on some type of medication that I hope he is currently taking, to give him an excuse for acting like a needy nut-job. Clingy is not cute. Ever.

**disclaimer: I really do love friendship from everyone, this rant is about one person. If you think it is you, trust me you would know, not think. :)