Everything seems to be going good for now. I can't think of much to say, which is rare. I could say a lot but, I'm just going to, not. I was supposed to see Cari today, I have only seen her 2 times since May 5th. Big change from, everyday. It don't look like that's going to happen though. Not like I have any gas or money anyways...these days I don't care, I would walk if I had to. I just miss her plus, it would be nice to just NOT be in this damn house.
I don't know why my parents yell at me to get up when I am asleep. When I actually do wake up, I don't remember a word they said. I just know they were bitching about something. Seems like wasted energy to me. If they were smart, they would just shut up and turn on my light. My room is COMPLETELY dark, all day long. It is hard to wake up no matter how much sleep I have had. It is hard to wake up in the dark, no matter what the people in my doorway happen to yell. I guess it is a crime to sleep, I will add that to my list of ways "not to breathe" yup, I still do it wrong sometiems....I like the night. Days suck... just sayin'.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Posted by ♥ Ashley ♥ at 11:06 AM