So, yesterday Prop 8 was considered unconstitutional in California which is great news. I personally think it is sad that this is even having to happen but, it is. Moving in the right direction at the very least. I am pretty sure I am the only person, in my circle of family and friends, that cares or, is happy about the news. The only other responses I have heard regarding Prop 8 is either, they think it is disgusting they allow same sex couples to get married or, they don't care. It really does not bother me much anymore. People around here don't feel like it is "right", most were raised that way. I was raised that way, I however, do not feel like it is wrong. I think everyone should be allowed to love whoever they want no matter the sex, race, religion, or any other differences. I am straight, I was born that way, if someone took away my rights because I was straight, that would not be very fair. One day I hope everything is equal. It might be one day, it is just a personal preference, I don't see why everyone makes such a big deal out of it. A lot of straight people don't speak out for equal rights because it does not affect them personally, which I used to understand. I have been working on changing myself, I have been working really hard on loving myself and, loving others. I can't really trust anyone enough to have a relationship right now. It is just not the right time I will know when it is. Instead of trying to find a boyfriend or, worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow, I have tried to love people in general. I used to be a person who literally hated people. I always thought the worst, which in my own defense, a lot of people have shown me just how cruel the world is but, I have decided to look past it. That includes loving all people. I don't like everyone and, those are the people who will not be in my life. No ill wishes to them, I will just not have them be a part of my life. I look at the inner person these days not, the skin color, the fashion choices, the person they sleep with, that stuff means nothing. The sweetest soul could be behind a mask of any kind. You don't have to agree on a persons lifestyle choices to love that person or, befriend them. I am white but, I have friends of many colors. It took awhile for people to accept that every race should have rights, in time every sexual orientation will have rights too.