I have been debating on whether or not to discuss this topic, nothing good ever seems to come of it. I feel the need to write about it now considering I once again have been brought to tears by my own family.
I am straight, born that way, will continue to be straight until the day I leave this earth. With that said, I am also a supporter of gay rights, more specifically rights for EVERYONE. I choose to believe that we were put on this earth for a reason, we are to live out our lives to the best of our abilities. We should do whatever makes us happy, no one should ever feel ashamed of who they are or, feel the need to hide their true selves from the world, especially not from family and friends.
I have not always been open about my feelings, I have been raised by a family that is very clear about how they feel regarding this topic. They feel that anyone who is not "straight" is disgusting, sick, wrong and of course, sent straight to hell. I love my family regardless of how much I disagree with their opinions but, it is so hard to hear and realize I am the only one who feels that it is not wrong.
I am in no way saying I am "right" no one knows for sure what is considered "right" or "wrong". I am straight so I can not identify with the lifestyle or emotions of someone in the LGBT community but, I do support the right to love whoever you are attracted to. Many people can show you exactly where it says how "wrong" it is in the Bible but, I can also point out many things the Bible claims as "wrong" to those people, that they themselves partake in on a day to day basis. I could go back and fourth all day with someone who claims it is wrong according to the Bible. We would both have valid points. Nothing about the Bible is wrong. It is just a matter of interpretation, in my opinion.
In reality, I feel that this matter has nothing to do with religion. Everyone is born differently, everyone is attracted to different things. If you have a issue with the LGBT community based on religious facts, I can understand that perspective. I don't agree with it but, I do see where to very religious groups or people, anything other than a man with a woman is wrong. I can't argue that opinion based on what they believe, nor would I try to these days. I have friends who think this way and I don't love them any less for it. They don't agree with it and that is fine. My only issue is with people who group all "non straight" people together and say they are born "sick" and consider them "less than" everyone else in society. That is pure ignorance and I am very upset and disturbed by those comments. The other comment is that you choose to be gay, no, no, and no. Some may choose to engage in acts to get attention, no arguing there but, saying that you have a choice is not something I believe in. You are born a certain way, no one can tell you how to feel.
I am sick of getting targeted by my family. It hurts. I am not apologetic for feeling the way I do, I see nothing wrong with feeling that everyone has the right to live their life the way they choose. I understand that they were raised in a different time but, don't judge me for it. Sexuality is not black or white....in fact, I feel that labels in general are not needed ex: gay, straight, bi, ect...but for the sake of argument I am straight, do I feel the need to degrade others who are not, no. Who you choose to sleep with, does not determine what kind of a person you are, those who judge based on that fact alone should be ashamed. I don't see anything wrong with people who decide not to support it, just don't hate because of it.
God does not hate. People should not either.
I am going to stop writing now, I am sure most of what I have said will make no sense to whoever happens to read it but, I don't care. I needed to write and vent. Done now, back to other things...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
No Hate
Posted by ♥ Ashley ♥ at 2:46 PM