Friday, July 9, 2010

My First Time...

This is my first time writing a blog, I am trying to decide what to write about. No more then two or three people will read this I am sure so taking that into consideration I guess It is a form of a diary, only public. My reason for starting a blog is simple. I have a lot to say. Whether anyone cares or not is another story. I have changed a lot over the last year or so, a lot. I was very negative I had a very "fuck you" attitude. I can bitch and moan about the past, give reasons and explanations for everything which, in my mind would certainly provide justification for my actions in the past but, I choose to focus on the future. I am in no way saying I am happy go lucky positive, far from it, but I am trying to stay positive. I believe that positive energy and, good thoughts lead to a happier life. You do good things, you get good things back. If you choose to treat others badly then the universe may have some not so good things in store for you as well, in other words, karma. I believe in God, not organized religion. I am not saying organized religion is wrong, I think that it is great. It can really turn lives around for the better. I can not commit to a religion unless I commit 100%. I researched and, read about many religions and I have also read many opinions regarding religion. I have determined that identifying with a specific religion is not important to me at this time in my life. The important thing to me is believing in a higher power and knowing that I, along with everyone else on this earth was put here for a reason. It is up to us how we choose to live. I am making mistakes and learning lessons everyday, trying to become a person that God will be proud of. My beliefs clash with most religions which is why can not identify with one. I do however believe that God is amazing and he has big things in store for my life. If I am wrong in the way that I believe, God will judge me when the time comes. He is the only one who can judge me. With all that being said, I love my religious friends, I think it is wonderful that they get so much joy and happiness from their beliefs. I am still finding myself, everyday is a new lesson. My opinions will change and, I will grow as a person. I have no clue what is going to happen with my future, but with a good attitude about whats up ahead I hope to make it a very enjoyable experience.